Coach Dreiling Basketball Website

There’s More To Winning Than Being The 1st Team To 30

By Shane Dreiling

- You must always have faith in yourself and your teammates.
       o Without believing in something larger than yourself the game is played in vain.
- “Play Hard; Play Smart; Play Together & Play With Heart”
       o Univ. of North Carolina’s “process” under legendary men’s basketball coach Dean Smith
- Demonstrate the 2 “D’s” and the 2 “P’s”
       o Discipline
       o Desire
       o Purpose
       o Pride
- Never try to guess what your opponents going to do. Rather, read and play.
- Care about your teammates
- Do things SMARTER not HARDER
- Understand the difference between being “aggressive” and playing “reckless”.
- Frustrate your opponents without letting them frustrate you.
       o Take away your opponents strengths and then take away their auxiliary motives.
- Be committed to out working and out communicating your opponent.
- Be completely ABSORBED by the game
- Mistakes represent lessons to be learned, not things to be afraid of.
- The moment should always carry more importance and weight than the past and the future combined.
- Understand the two types of winners
       o 1st – Those individuals who want to win, but are not willing to go through with it.
       o 2nd – Those individuals who want to win and have the courage, the heart, and the discipline to help their teams succeed.
- “Just Play”




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