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The Champion

A champion is someone who plays his heart out every day,

They don't look for excuses or try to find the easier way.

When the going gets tough they don't give in,

They will do everything in their power just to get that win.


A champion doesn't quit even when they are so tired they can barely stand,

When a teammate is down they never hesitate to give them a hand.

When the odds try to knock them down to the ground,

A negative attitude is nowhere to be found.


A champion never puts others down to lift themselves higher,

They pull themselves together when the game comes to the wire.

When the coach is on your case for making a bad play,

You listen to him, respect him and try to do it the right way.


A champion is mentally tough and strives for the best,

They won't stop until they get there, not even to rest.

They never complain even when the refs make a terrible call,

They extend a hand to help, even when an opponent stumbles and fall.


A champion never tries to bring glory to his name,

He says instead, "Without the team effort it wouldn't have been the same."

They are the guys whose dedication is beyond belief,

They are the ones still running when their muscles ache for relief.


A champion is something that can be created only by you,

You can give up and quit and never make it through.

Or you can finish the task that you've begun,

And enjoy your moment of glory in the sun.


These are the moments that you will remember,

Play like a true champion and do not surrender!


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