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These Things I Know

My Mike Dunlap
Metro State Head Men’s Basketball Coach

  1. The best teachers suffer the most.
  2. Assistant coaches know more than when they become head coaches.
  3. It is more difficult to be a head coach when you say, “Do as I say, not as I do.”
  4. Confusion is the order of the day when teams lose or players do not get playing time.
  5. Being the best at anything is a bitch.
  6. The ability to watch, listen, and ask questions is a talent.
  7. Part of good leadership is knowing when to follow.
  8. Name the last coach who kept his job by graduating most of his players while losing most of his games.
  9. Going from good to great requires many little things.  Repetition with an understanding of why we are doing a certain act can never be left out.
  10. Compatibility with a teammate requires that we find something small that we like and let it grow from there.
  11. A good practice coach is precise.  He requires that all around him be precise as well.  Being sloppy is not an option.
  12. Everything follows your head.  When your head is up your ass the only thing that results is darkness.  Leading with your ass is a bad idea.
  13. Mountain climbers call thin air the “death zone.”  Why?  Because people make bad decisions in the thin air.  Hence being prepared is not an option, rather an absolute.
  14. If you want to really learn about stress and making good decisions, study surgeons, firemen, the military or any one organization that has the most to lose.
  15. People should spend more time thinking.  You can only see and understand what you think.
  16. Storms will come and go.  A strong ship with a smart captain can ride out most storms.
  17. The great myth, “there are many ways to skin a cat.”  There is only one way to do anything—the right way.
  18. When you vote, does everyone agree with you?  Making a difficult decision where someone loses out is called coaching.
  19. The brutal reality of coaching is that you will be hired and fired—keep going and do not look back.
  20. If he had an I.Q. one point lower, you would have to water him.



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