The notoriety of the coach is dictated by how his team performs while under pressure.
You are a teacher of basketball. The court is an extension of the classroom.
They Learn: | The Laws of Learning: |
10% when they hear | Expanation |
20% when they see | Demonstration |
70% when they do | Repetition |
25% of your players are excited daily. The other 75%…you have to get them excited.
The Mediocre Coach Tells.
The Good Coaches Explain.
The Superior Coaches Demonstrate.
The Great Coaches Inspire
David Noonan:
In the end, it is attention to detail that makes all the difference. It's the center fielder's extra two steps to the left, the salesman's memory for names, the lover's phone call, the soldier's clean weapon. It is the thing that separates the winners from the losers, the men from the boys, and very often, the living from the dead. Professional success depends on it, regardless of the field.