
What Winning Leaders Do

In Winning, former General Electric CEO Jack Welch says he found that some ways of leading always seem to work in creating a winning company – and that they became his “rules:”
Basketball Thoughts From Larry Brown

Persistence Keeps Us Great

By Rick Pitino
Things We Have to Learn Every Year

by Don Meyer

By Kim Mulkey-Robertson, Baylor University Head Women’s Coach
Thoughts from Dean Smith

We spent much practice time working on end-of-game situations...In most instances I didn't want to take a time-out in these late-game situations. After all, we had worked on these things in practice and knew what to do. Calling time-out allowed the opposing coach to set his defense and make some defensive substitutions.
The Three Point Disaster

By Mike Dunlap Denver Nuggets Assistant Coach
The three point shot has changed the game of basketball. In short, coaches have purchased a bad bill of goods. First, if you do not have a plethora of good shooters, why are so many bad shooters letting it rip from the three-point line? The coach determines “shot selection” until the players figure out their best shot from their best spot. Pete Carril defined a good shot by stating that it should be a shot that you can make every single time. That makes sense to me. However, there are too many three-point shots being taken per game, and by the wrong people.
WAY by DEAN SMITH (The Penguin Press, New York, 2004).

Courtesy of BasketballsBest.com
The Basics of the SWARM Defense

By Wayne Walters
Traditionally, if you were the underdog athletically, on defense you were forced to apply less pressure on the ball and or help very early because you were locked into the concept of help and recover. Your second option was to simply clog the lane in a zone and hope that you opponent did not hit outside shots. If you insisted on playing man to man and your opponent has at least one outside shooter, a mismatch at the top and a drive and kick resulted in an open jumper, a lay up or a dunk.
Pre-Practice Drill Work For Big Players

By Tom Reiter Courtesy of www.WinningHoops.com
Every day in practice we separate our big players from our perimeter people so we can work on breakdown drills. We call this our "pre-practice routine," and it's usually 12 to 15 minutes long. In the beginning of the season, in order to teach the proper techniques, we may spend the entire time teaching one or two things, but after the first four weeks of practice we've taught the basics for the pre-practice sessions. From this point on we'll add drills or concentrate on anything we feel needs to be improved.
Quotes from Albert Schweitzer


The Iceberg Theory of Hoops

By Larry Tidwell, Head Women’s Coach, Texas Christian University
It takes more than five players to make a winning team. The starting five may win a game, but it takes the whole team to win the championship to go all the way. The team is really like an iceberg. You see the starting five, but underneath it all is that big, wide, strong base... the rest of the team.
Guard Mentalities

By James Broughton, Contributing writer to TeamArete.com and former Cowley County Community College Assistant Coach
Notes From Conversations with Coach Pete Newell and His Son, Pete Jr.

By Mike Dunlap, Metro State Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Taking Over A Program

Taking over a basketball program can be a very exciting and over whelming experience. With your adrenaline pumping and planning beginning, there are administrative duties you may want to consider in order to be completely organized when practices are ready to roll. Listed below are 10 important questions that you may want to consider when taking over a program.
3 Stop Drill Brings Competitive Defensive Edge To Your Practices

By Tanya McKay, Head Womens Coach, University of Winnipeg Courtesy of WinningHoops.com
20 Unforgettable Lessons From A Coach Who Made A Difference

Excerpts taken from the book, "Lucky Every Day: The Wisdom of Diane Geppi Aikens" By Chip Silverman
Dick Bennett on Defense

26 Ways To Improve Your Drills

By Marc Comstock Courtesy of Winninghoops.com
Coaches need to constantly discover ways to improve their drills or get the most out of them. All coaches have their own sets of drills that teach their basketball philosophy, but there are many ways that you can create more intensity, enthusiasm, discipline, etc. This can be done by evaluating all the factors involved in a drill.
Post Play: Keep It Simple

By Mark Pittman
In our program, we don't believe it's possible for a post player to learn 10 moves. We concentrate on only two to three. If a players can learn and perform these basic moves well, he can be an effective scorer off the block.

By Roy Williams
I’ve Learned…

By Jeff Hoyle http://accordingtohoyle.cjb.net/
Listening When You Don't Want To

By Kevin Eikenberry
I've said it in a hundred training workshops. Listening is important. I don't know why I say it - everyone already knows it. Whether talking to leaders, coaches, trainers, meeting facilitators, plant operators or anyone else, I'm sure the reaction is the same.
COACHING INFORMATION: Taken from THE CAROLINA WAY by DEAN SMITH (The Penguin Press, New York, 2004).

Courtesy of BasketballsBest.com
Helpful Guidelines for the Assistant Coach

By Tony Johnson, Bethany College Head Football Coach
Everyone who wants to become a successful assistant coach and eventually head coach must possess certain qualities and observe certain principles.
Planning to Win

By Mark Hamilton, Head Women’s Basketball Coach, Murray State College
The old adage "People do not plan to fail, but they often fail to plan" applies to all areas of life from business to family to, yes, coaching. A good plan with realistic expectations will help keep things in perspective and every good coach will have one. Following is a basic outline of the planning process that I apply and I hope it is helpful to someone else.
Developing The Practice Plan

By Jim Harrick, Fmr. Head Basketball Coach University of Georgia
10 Tips to Management

From “Be Quick – But Don’t Hurry!” by Andrew Hill, with John Wooden Simon and Schuster March 2001
What Is Your Coaching Philosophy

By Shane Dreiling
One of the things I most like to discuss with coaches is their coaching philosophy. Having the opportunity to visit many coaches across the country, I find it interesting to learn how their coaching philosophy has changed through the years.
Defensive Basketball Terminology

By Steve Witty Head Coach Boys Basketball, Ben Davis High School
The following information provides defensive concepts and terminology utilized when teaching man-to-man team defense. This information is an excerpt from one of the eight books of the Giant Championship Coaching Series developed by Steve Witty of Ben Davis High School in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Developing A Culture For Your Program

By Shane Dreiling
If you would carefully study any successful sports team or corporation, I would bet that you would quickly discover a specific culture that pervades the organization. The dictionary defines culture as “the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes a company or corporation.” This could just as easily be said for a basketball team.
20 Basketball Decisions That You Make In Every Game

By Shane Dreiling, Head Girls Coach, The Independent School, Director TeamArete.com
The Worst Things We Do as Teachers

By Mike Dunlap, Metro State Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Words of Wisdom

From Don Meyer Date: 04/12/2001
"The Work Of Leadership"

by Ronald A. Heifetz and Donald L. Laurie Courtesy of Dave Bollwinkel
40 – and – Under Club Provides Motivation For Great Defense

By Richard Ebel, Paola High School Head Girls Basketball Coach
Courtesy of Winning Hoops at www.winninghoops.com.
Threes By Jimmy V

Courtesy of Jim Valvano
Get on Target

By Dick Luther Courtesy of Winning Hoops at www.winninghoops.com.
12 Tough Coaching Situations

By Mike Dunlap, Metro State Head Men’s Basketball Coach.
Absolutes in Coaching

By Coach Jack Ramsey
Champions of Character

By Bruce E Brown, NAIA Special Presenter
Integrity is a simple concept, and for the person of integrity life may not be any easier, but it is simpler. It is not always easy to do what is ethically correct, but it is simple to know which path is most ethical and then exercise that option. Integrity is a choice of behaviors displayed in everyone’s small daily decisions. People of integrity engage in actions that follow their words and beliefs. Their “yes” means yes and their “no,” means no. The person of integrity says what he means and follows that exact path. His word is good; his handshake seals the deal, and his signature is worth something.
Building A Program With Communication

By Shane Dreiling
One of the common questions our staff gets when we speak at various coaching clinics throughout the country has to do with communication. How do we get our players to communicate with each other and with the coaches so well? As a staff, we pride ourselves on our communication level with our players and enjoy seeing them learn how to do so with one another.
Coaching Advice, Part 15

Provided by Basketball Sense Courtesy of Basketball Sense.com
Alabama-Huntsville head coach Lennie Acuff uses back screens, down screens, and up screens (what many people call flare screens) in his motion offense.

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but this I know: The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who will have sought and found, how to serve.”
Albert Schweitzer
Developing a Team of Leaders By Dave Bollwinkel President, COACH On and Off the Court
Coaching Is More Than Winning By Steve Mergelsberg, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach, University of Rutgers-Newark
Preventing Turnovers By Shane Dreiling, TeamArete.com
Success Tips By Jay Monahan Courtesy of Hoop Champs, Inc. (www.hoopchamps.com)
Get on Target By Dick Luther Courtesy of Winning Hoops at www.winninghoops.net.
Tips from John Wooden From Don Meyer, date: 04/12/2001
Seven Habits of Successful Student-Athletes By Bo Ryan, University of Wisconsin Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Top Twenty-Eight Most Common Complaints Against Basketball Coaches From Parents
By Mike Saylor , Head Varsity Basketball Coach, South Vigo High School www.basketballworkout.com
Champions of Character
Attacking Zones
Jack Ramsey’s 12 Keys To Becoming A Great Coach
Thoughts from Hubie Brown
The "3 W's" For Selecting An Assistant Coach
By Marc Comstock Courtesy of Winning Hoops at www.winninghoops.com.
Position Expectations
By Mike Durbin Head Women’s Basketball Coach, College of Saint Benedict
Coaches Corner
By Mike Dunlap, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Metro State University
Building A Championship Basketball Program
By Dr. Aaron Geter Jr. Head Boys Basketball Coach at Wilkinson County High School
The Core Value of INTEGRITY Champions of Character
What does integrity look like on an NAIA athlete of character? “Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now – always.” Albert Schweitzer
Coaching Advice, Part 12
By Basketball Sense, www.basketballsense.com
Basketball Sense from Coach K
By Basketball Sense, www.basketballsense.com
10 Quick Pointers For Teaching The Press Offense
By Susan Yow, Head Women's Coach, Providence College Courtesy of WinningHoops.com.
Defensive Concepts
By Steve Witty Head Coach Boys Basketball, Ben Davis High School
Our 10 Defensive Anchors
By Shane Dreiling
Ways To Make Yourself Miserable
By Don Meyer, Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Northern State University
Developing a Coaching Philosophy
By Steve Mergelsberg, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach, University of Rutgers-Newark
Defensive Calls
Author requested name withheld.
Promoting Your Women’s Program
By Jordanna Smida Courtesy of WinningHoops.com
University of Wisconsin-Stout Coaching Philosophy
Set your goals at a State Championship all the time. Talk about it with your kids. Set your sights at the top.
The Things that "Matter" in Shooting (...and How to Test Them)
(Written for "Giganti" by Tom Nordland) In my study of shooting I've come to see there are a number of key aspects that determine whether a shot motion is going to be successful or not ...
Gator Fundamentals
By Billy Donovan, University of Florida Head Men’s Basketball Coach
The most important aspect in becoming a great defensive player is MENTAL TOUGHNESS!! Great defensive players are aggressive and determined.
Situational Tournament
Courtesy of Five-Star Basketball at www.www.five-starbasketball.com
Bringing Out the Best in People
Courtesy of the book, “Bringing Out the Best in People”
By Alan Loy McGinnis
Developing a Team Attitude
By Eric Littleton, Head Boys’ Basketball Coach at Sand Springs High School, Oklahoma
Excerpt from his book, “The Coaching Notebook”.
Lou Holtz Game Plan
University of South Carolina Head Football Coach
Techniques for Blocking Out
By George Felton, Head Men’s Basketball Coach at the University of Georgia
Courtesy of Winning Hoops at www.winninghoops.com
Putting a Good (Proper) Foot Forward Putting a Good (Proper) Foot Forward
By Don Meyer, Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD.
10 Expectations—On and Off the Court
By Mike Durbin, Head Basketball Coach at the College of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, MN
Courtesy of Winning Hoops at www.winninghoops.com
Program Developments and Talent Assessment As A Coaching Staff
By Brett Ayers (mikeness71@hotmail.com)
As I look over the landscape of both college and high school hoops I see a myriad of problems that come to the
surface immediately. One of the biggest problems I see is the lack of attention to program detail via the vehicle of actual thought out talent assessment from staff's around the country.
Things We Have To Learn Every Year
By Don Meyer, Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD.
The Nine Necessities of Leadership in Coaching
By Shane Dreiling Director, TeamArete
Wisdom from the Wizard
By Basketball Sensen Courtesy of www.BasketballSense.com These thoughts from John Wooden, former UCLA head coach and 10-time national champion.
The Mental Aspects of Rebounding
By Craig Johnson Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach, North Lake College Basketball is a game that has a lot of “little” games within its circle.
Thoughts from Hubie Brown
Thoughts About Positive Criticism
By Mike Dunlap Metro State Head Men’s Basketball Coach
What Players Must Do
Good Guards
By Dave Bollwinkel, Boston Celtics Scout Courtesy of NorCalPreps.com
Far too often, high school guards believe that what college coaches are looking for is someone to light up the scoreboard.
Developing a Team of Leaders
By Brad Winters One of your many jobs as a coach is to teach LEADERSHIP to your players. Below are some key points that I think you should stress to your players daily.
Bringing Out the Best in People
Courtesy of the book, “Bringing Out the Best in People” By Alan Loy McGinnis
13 “Musts” For Your Players To Become Great Defenders
By Joe Pitt Courtesy of Winning Hoops at www.winninghoops.net Your players should pride themselves on their defense. Here's a list of defensive musts to give your players:
Five Standards that Coaches Must Meet
Coaching Advice, Part 14
Provided by Basketball Sense Courtesy of Basketball Sense.com Jody Wright, head coach at Fulton (TN) High School, tries to teach his players what it takes to be successful both on and off the court.
Physical Conditioning By Ernie Woods Courtesy of HoopTactics.com
Superior conditioning does not just happen nor is it acquired quickly. It is the result of a well planned and executed program of exercise, rest, and diet.
These Things I Know My Mike Dunlap Metro State Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Taking Over A Program
By Scott Allen Head Girls Coach, Paul VI High School Taking over a basketball program can be a very exciting and over whelming experience. With your adrenaline pumping and planning beginning, there are administrative duties you may want to consider in order to be completely organized when practices are ready to roll.
Shooter's Mentality
By Brian McCormick Shooting, without a doubt, is the most important skill in basketball. Just like baseball is at its essence a battle between pitcher and hitter, basketball is fundamentally about making baskets; everything else was subsequently invented to aid or prevent a player from scoring.
An Eye for Talent
By Dave Bollwinkel, Boston Celtics Scout "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney Why does Kent State make it to the Sweet Sixteen in 2002? Can you explain the reasons behind Gonzaga making it to the Elite Eight?
Coaching Advice, Part 13
Provided by Basketball Sense Courtesy of Basketball Sense.com
When catching the ball on the move, Ohio State head coach Jim O’Brien teaches his players to pivot on their inside foot.
The Championship Edge
By Shane Dreiling
When catching the ball on the move, Ohio State head coach Jim O’Brien teaches his players to pivot on their inside foot.
Defensive Concepts
By Steve Witty Head Coach Boys Basketball, Ben Davis High School
The following information provides defensive concepts and terminology utilized when teaching man-to-man team defense. This information is an excerpt from one of the eight books of the Giant Championship Coaching Series developed by Steve Witty of Ben Davis High School in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Attacking the Diamond and 1 Junk Defense
By Brett Ayers mikeness71@hotmail.com
I put down some thoughts and musings about a continuity offense for attacking the traditional Box and 1 junk defense, which I think you may see come back into vogue along with the Triangle and 2 and of course the Diamond and 1.
Continuity Offense Focused on Getting the Ball Inside
By Brett Ayers mikeness71@hotmail.com
I have written things on offenses and entry plays for guards, wings and shooters, figured perhaps since I have been writing about things for the big guys maybe I should write up an offense that can be used with either a non-traditional and or a traditional big man.
Building Your Own Program
By Shane Dreiling Director, TeamArete
If you are like the majority of coaches, you either dream of the opportunity of building your own program, have already had that opportunity, or are in the process of such a daunting, yet exciting task.
Coaching Advice, Part 11
Provided by Basketball Sense Courtesy of Basketball Sense.com
University of Kentucky head coach Tubby Smith likes to trap players being guarded by his poorer defenders.
Coach: Getting players to play the best they can
By Steve Spurrier
How To Kill a Team
By Steve Jordan (www.akcoach.com) Courtesy of The Coaches Notebook I think I am on my 48th basketball team, counting all the teams I have been associated with as a player and as a coach.
Doubling Down in the Post
By Shane Dreiling What advantages are there to doubling down in the post?
Success Tips
By Jay Monahan Courtesy of Hoop Champs, Inc. (www.hoopchamps.com)
As part of the offerings of Hoop Champs, Inc., one of the Chapters in the Playbook is simply called “Tips for Success” and many of the “tips” presented by Coach Jay Monahan will equate to points on the floor. Here is a synopsis of the 16 Tips presented in that Chapter…
Passing: The Lost Art
By Brian McCormick Director, High Five Hoop School
While pundits and experts complain about the state of the
game, the diminishing skill level and the heightened premium on athleticism, few mention the de-emphasis of passing as a culprit.
50 Tips On Beating Pressure
Playing Through Adversity
By Ernie Woods Courtesy of HoopTactics.com and DragonGurlz.com
"When you give it your best effort, you may run out of time, but you will never lose a game, regardless of the score!"
TeamArete Practice Planning
By Shane Dreiling So many coaches have asked us over the years about our practice plans and what is the key to running successful practices.
Power Rebounding: Philosophy and Drills
By Shane Dreiling Many coaches apparently agree that rebounding is the most important phase of basketball when it is considered in comparison to offense or defense.
Are You a Coercive or Credible Coach
by Jeff Janssen, M.S. Peak Performance Consultant "My ideas about how to command respect have changed... I've learned that you can't demand it, or whack it out of people with a two-by-four. You have to cultivate it, in yourself and those around you."
Coaching Advice, Part 10
Provided by Basketball Sense Courtesy of Basketball Sense.com Tennessee head coach Buzz Peterson does not get overly caught up in defensive footwork when guarding the man with the ball. He wants his players to be on the balls of their feet and ready to “guard their yard.”
Summer Shooting Program
Basic Principles and Guidelines of the ARETE Defensive System
The same principles and techniques apply to all of our defensive schemes, whether man-to-man or zone, and at any level of pickup on the floor.
Coaching Advice, Part 9
Provided by Basketball Sense Courtesy of Basketball Sense.com Western Kentucky women's head coach, Paul Sanderford, wants his players in press offense after every made basket.
A Team Defensive Philosophy
By Jim Harrick
Guarding the Three-Point Shot
By Don Meyer Make contact by the line of scrimmage (the half line), and form a wall with some depth.Chase around the screen. IF you short cut, you'd better get there.
Organizing Your Practice Time
By Don Meyer Bethune Cookman College Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
Time on the floor with your players is very valuable. Much time and thought
should be put into each practice session. The quality of your practices will eventually determine how many games you win or lose during the season.
Five Elements of a Successful Basketball Program
By Jim Harrick University of Georgia Head Coach Courtesy of www.coachharrick.com
By Jim Harrick University of Georgia Head Coach Courtesy of www.coachharrick.com
The Nine Defensive Rules
By Coach Shane Dreiling Courtesy of “The Tenets of Team Defense”
Here are the basic rules of the TeamArete defensive philosophy. Regardless of our defensive set, the following rules are the building blocks of a defensive system that has allowed our teams to be ranked among the top 10 statistically on different levels of collegiate basketball.
Thoughts from Coach Bud Presley
By Jim Harrick University of Georgia Head Coach Courtesy of www.coachharrick.com
What to Look For In A Player
By Jim Harrick University of Georgia Head Coach Courtesy of www.coachharrick.com
Coaching Advice, Part 8
Provided by Basketball Sense
Wright State assistant coach Will Rey believes the following skip passes are effective against zone defenses: guard or wing to corner, short corner to wing, wing to wing.
Seven Areas of Improvement
John Wooden's Practice Philosophy
Though some coaches try to complicate it, even in practice, basketball is a simple game and should be kept that way. You must have patience, and you must make your players understand what they are doing wrong and what they are doing right.
The One Hand Push Pass - Everything You Wanted to Know
This article explains all of my ideas regarding the one-hand push pass,
gathered over 10 years of working with players from 4 years old to 16 years old, girls and boys.
Blocker-Mover Offense
Spacing, ball movement, player movement, cutting, screening, wise shot selection, team play, taking care of the ball, rebounding, and scoring are the key ingredients that make for a great offense.
Discovering the Seven Secrets of Successful Coaches
Have you ever wondered why some coaches achieve so much success with their athletes
and teams - winning championships and everyone's respect along the way - while others continually fall short or struggle to get their teams to play over .500?
Teaching the Run and Jump Press
Many coaches have a great fear of teaching the run and jump press. I have
found that this defense can be taught very effectively beginning as early as the junior high level.
2-3 Match Up Defense
Our match-up zone defense is a combination of the 2-3 zone that is taught by Fred Litzenberger at the University of Oregon and the Point and Talk defense taught by Don Meyer at Northern State University.
Post Offense
1) Post shoots higher percentage shots.
2) Post draw more fouls on the opponent.
He has two jobs…Recruit and Recruit!
Do some of the following every day:...
The Role of the Assistant Coach
The assistant coach's job is really a fairly flexible one. Some of the factors that will make one assistant coach's role different than the next are:...
Coaching Advice, Part VII
Socatee High School (SC) head coach Dan D’Antoni believes it
is essential for a high school program to raise money because money and
exposure help to get players signed.
Body Position
The body position of a basketball player is all relative to the player’s footwork.
A player’s footwork will square the player to the basket. And it will give a shooter his/her balance.
Coaching Advice, Part VI
When attacking a good defense, NBA Analyst Hubie Brown says to reverse the ball, then leave the area and replace.
Coaching Advice, Part V
To help build chemistry, Memphis head coach John Calipari has his team eat breakfast together every day. Baylor head coach Dave Bliss believes a coach should know what the best tempo for his team should be
The proper form for shooting a basketball all starts with your footwork. Shooting a jump shot on the move, either off of the dribble or the pass, a player is going to want to come into the shot with a “heel / toe”.
Coaching Advice, Part IV
East Carolina head coach does not allow his players to make mistakes in practice. He thinks you must correct them each time.
Offensive Ideas For The Upcoming Season
For many summer’s, I traveled the basketball camp circuit searching for knowledge from the top coaches in America. If you have you have the opportunity to get out and work some camps of the top programs in the country you will learn more about the game than you can imagine.
Athletes today are training longer and harder than ever before, at all levels of competition. Multi-sport athletes and elite athletes are sometimes coerced into competing all year around and rarely get the chance
between seasons to rest.
Coaching Advice, Part III
New Hanover (NC) head coach Bill Boyette wants his players to "jump to the ball" any time the ball is moved by either pass or dribble. Jumping to the ball allows his team to bump cutters, avoid screens, stop the flash cut and stop dribble-penetration.
Coaching Advice, Part II
Wisconsin head coach Dick Bennett believes the first step in building a program is to become competitive. Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski wants to make life miserable for the point guard of a team with only one ball-handler.
Preparing for your Coach’s Interview
Men, dress nicely to show respect for the job and the people taking the time to interview you. Slacks, coat and tie should be appropriate. Ladies ... you know better than me.
Tips for parents
If you are not a basketball aficionado, you may find it difficult to judge whether or not your child's coach is doing a good job.
Rick Pitino Ball Handling Workout NOTES: Put cone or chair on both wings, position outside the 3-pt arc. Always start on the right side. Make the move to the basket, rebound and make the same move out to the other cone. Repeat on the left side.
S-O-S Pressure Defense Spells Help for Your Program
More than at any other time in the evolution of America's game from peach basket to primetime TV, the past decade has introduced significant and irreversible changes in the way teams play the game.
Seven Habits of Successful Student-Athletes Being proactive means making the first move, not waiting for others to act first, and being responsible for what you do.
I've Learned... I've learned…That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
ANDY ROONEY: WORDS OF WISDOM WISDOM FROM ANDY ROONEY who has the gift of saying so much with so few words...
100 idea’s learned from the college game this season These are some ideas that I’ve heard in the past and came true this season. Some are issues that I learned throughout the school year. This is just my opinion after this year. I hope this may help you in the future.
Coaching Advice Dribblers should keep their hands below the waist and shooters should keep their hands above the waist.
Too Far Too Fast Today, not only are more children than ever participating in sports, but a growing number are training and competing year-round. Between school and club programs and summer sports camps, more athletes are also specializing in one sport at ever-younger ages.
Mobility + Ability = Agility You may never coach a Michael Jordon, but any player can benefit from proper agility training.
More Tips