(Written for "Giganti"
by Tom Nordland)

In my study of
shooting I've come to see there are a number of key aspects that determine
whether a shot motion is going to be successful or not ... in the long run! Any
motion can work occasionally, but to be able to put the ball dead-center,
"swish" over and over and over on demand takes a special kind of
control. Very few players have that kind of control any more. The reasons can
be found in these important distinctions.
· Target and the
Flight of the Ball matter!
I start
with this because ultimately this is what ensures success or failure, your
connection to
the target (the basket) and how the ball flies through the air toward it!
· Where Power comes from matters!
This matters because some power sources are strong and dependable while
others are weak or variable.
· Stance matters!
How you stand dictates how you move your body physically. You can overcome an
mis-aligned or off balance stance with the Release, but to do so requires a
compensation which, over the long run, will be hard to sustain.
· The Hand Position and Alignment at the Set Point matter!
Where the shooting hand "sets" the ball and its alignment with
the shooting eye and basket determine accuracy and consistency.
· The Release action matters!
This is probably the most critical motion as it is the final delivery
mechanism. If it's simple, consistent, predictable and repeatable, the ball
gets delivered with the most effective trajectory and spin, helping ensuring
· Height matters!
It's important in shooting to have high arch where possible. A shot fired
upward is slowed down by gravity and approaches the basket more softly than a
thrown, wristed or flipped shot. A higher angle also ensures a larger, more
forgiving target.
· Spin matters!
Backspin helps to stabilize aerodynamically the ball in flight. The greater
the spin, the more stable the motion.
· The Follow Through matters!
Though you can, once the ball leaves the fingers, do weird things with the
shooting arm and hand and still make shots, it's much more effective to stay
with the target for an extra period of time. A focused and connected (to the
target) Follow Through help to "complete" the action.
· Your Mental State matters!
Your mental state -- the level of concentration, confidence and self trust --
have a big part here. A calm mind allows you to perform closer and closer to
your potential. Doubt and fear interfere with performance.
(Note: For lack of
space I've not written about the grip. It's not usually a problem, but realize
it needs to give you a solid connection with the ball and support the above
one-handed actions.)
Now let's examine
each of these areas in more detail:
It's critical both to have a strong connection to the target and to be able to
control the flight of the ball to it. That's what shooting is all about ...
putting the ball into a basket with great precision and consistency under all
kinds of situations and pressure.
As you go to shoot,
it's important to see and connect with the basket with clear intention to make
the shot. If you doubt yourself or wonder if you should be taking the shot,
you'll probably interfere. A clear and calm connection to target helps minimize
this interference and draw the ball to it.
In the physical act
of the shot, what matters is accuracy and distance control: how to get the shot
to fly ON LINE and the APPROPRIATE DISTANCE. Powerful is an understanding of
height (arch) and how it affects the landing of the ball, the softness, how it
affects the size of the target to the ball, and how a "shooter's
bounce" is attained.
The Swish Method is
mostly about the simple, physical things you can do that will give you flawless
technique. Once you're starting to get that down and you shoot better and
better, then the mental stuff will follow. You will start to trust yourself,
even under great pressure. You'll want to shoot. Then extraordinary performance
become possible ... all the time, not just in streaks.
Now let's look at
the major components of a shot and how they can be approached and tested:
Your major source
of power is an important factor. If it's based on small muscles, then you're
eventually going to have trouble with control and consistency. It helps to come
from your biggest muscles, the muscles of the lower and middle body. This power
source is often called Leg Drive or Leg Lift, but it's more than the legs. It's
the legs plus hips, pelvis and lower back, and they can create a powerful,
stable upward surge of energy. I call this the "UpForce."
As I mentioned in
the "Fixing" article last month, some coaching advocates shooting at
the top of the jump. It's my experience that most great shooters shoot early in
the jump. They shoot immediately on the way up and thereby capture more of the
UpForce. What this gives them, besides power, a quick release and an upward
action, is stabilization. Shots thus powered just go more easily to the target.
(Remember, the
exception is the close in and turn-around jump shots where elevation is needed.
These can be shot with some "hang time" because the distance is short
and the error margin is much greater. A higher Set Point for these shots is
probably also merited.)
Shoot earlier: Introduce the idea of
shooting early in the jumping action or the "down-up" of a free throw
or set shot. It's like "catching a wave" in surfing. There's a surge
of power in the beginning that gradually dissipates. Catch the wave early and
you get tremendous power.
As you do this,
watch what happens to the trajectory of the shots. You should see it start to
be higher with less effort. For most shots, you want to shoot from maximum leg
A note about
that: When
I realized I shot early in the jump and worked on teaching it to others, I saw
that the leg drive (UpForce) is not just "yes" or "no,"
"black" or "white." It's a "shade of gray," a
percentage. If you shoot immediately on the way up, you're catching 100% of
what's available. If you hesitate, you start to lose percentage, to 90, 80, 60,
40, etc. down to zero % and, if you shoot on the way down, a "minus"
%. Play with this. Shoot from different percentages and see what happens. This
is not how big the UpForce is but what percent is used! 100% just means you
shoot as early as possible, and this requires that you set the ball early and
release the ball very quickly. This one instruction alone can work miracles.
How you stand is
important because it can either help or interfere with the release action. If
you stand such that there's extra tension, it makes your shot more difficult
and less repeatable.
I advocate an
"open" body stance (rotated to the left for right-handers
[counter-clockwise], right for left-handers [clockwise]). From this stance, I
feel it's easier to be more in alignment with target, hand, eye and body than
if you "square up." Also, there's less tension in the shoulder and
arm, since those elements line up naturally the more you turn. All of the great
shooters I can think of turned their bodies, some as much as 45 degrees.
If your Set Point
is above the eyes, see if you can get the feeling of being "under and
behind" the ball as you go to shoot. From that position, you'll feel more
connected to the target and you can then push the arm directly in line with the
basket and accuracy is more assured. (If your Set Point is below the eyes, you'll
still get the feeling of being "behind" the ball.)
Try it both
ways: Stand
"square" to the basket and shoot and feel what it feels like. If you
bring the hand in line with the eye and target, do you feel any tension in your
shoulder or arm? Then open your stance and see if there's tension. I think
you'll find the tension disappears. Open the stance a little and open a lot and
compare and contrast. You'll find a stance that works for you.
Where the hand
points to at the Set Point and during the stroke are critical. It
determines, to a large degree, the accuracy of the shot. I feel it's important
to "set" the shooting hand (and ball) in line with the shooting eye
and target and as high as your strength allows. Younger kids will have to set
it below the eyes such that they can see the basket over the ball. As you get
older, you'll reach a strength where you can set the ball above the eyes and
see the target under the ball. Higher is generally better as it's less likely
blocked, but it's a weaker position than below the eyes. If you raise it too
high, there won't be enough power from the arm-straightening action, so guard
against that.
When the hand
matters and you place it in line with the shooting eye and target, you'll see
the elbow is 4-6" to the right (if right handed), depending on how long
your arm is. For very tall players it might be 6-8" to the side. That's
how the hand, wrist and arm are built. The elbow will not be "flying"
if the hand matters.
Now bring the elbow
under the ball and see what it does to the hand. Can you see it tilts the hand
off the target? You can shoot that way with just the thumb and first finger
behind the ball, but you'll probably feel less control or you'll feel the need
to rotate the hand while shooting, which adds variables and is thus not a good
idea. It'll be a lot more stable if the main fingers and meat of the hand are
behind the ball.
Hand position: Bring your hand up to the
Set Point and have it pointing to the left or right of the target and shoot.
Then do it and rotate your hand during the shot (to get it straight) and see
what it does to spin. Now set it in alignment with the eye and target and
shoot. Can you see that accuracy is easier? Now bring it up in line with your
ear and shoot, then in line with your shoulder and shoot. Can you see it's much
easier to keep the ball on line if it's generally in line with your eye? If the
ball is off to the side (either way), it requires a calculation of angle back
to the target.
Set Point
height: Set
the ball below the eyes with varying height and shoot. You'll see there's power
but it's also more "blockable." If you're strong enough, bring it
above the eyes and feel the easier connection to the target. Bring it above
your eyes too high and see that you lack power. The idea is to find a balance
between height and power.
Set Point over
head: If
you're strong enough, bring the ball overhead such that the back of the ball is
half way back from the front of your head. Take some shots. Can you feel that
shots from there are usually flips or throws and that it's harder to just
"push" with the arm? Take it all the way overhead and see the same
thing, even more. From way back, it's impossible to push. You have to throw the
ball. Observe what that does to ball flight. Doesn't it flatten the shot and
add variables? Now bring the back of the ball to approximately the front of the
head and notice how simple it is to push it upward from there. In fact a push
is all you can do. That Set Point is also achieved more quickly so you're more
ready to catch the leg drive energy.
The Release is the
most critical motion as it's the final delivery mechanism! It first has to be
supported by a strong leg action (UpForce) and it needs to be one-handed to
minimize variables. What's recommended is a pushing action at a high angle with
RELAXED wrist and hand. This provides a more "repeatable" motion and
ball flight. A throwing or flipping motion is much less reliable and flattens
the shot.
One of the key
things is that the Release needs to be "predictable!" In looking at
games in person and TV, I can see why most players are not reliable shooters.
It's largely in the Release! It's how they're powering and controlling the
shots with their upper bodies, the arm, wrist, hand and fingers. The smaller
the muscle group, the less predictable it is.
Great shooters have
figured out a way to minimize the variables of these smaller muscles and power
their shots mostly with the bigger lower and middle body muscles. The hand and
fingers deliver the ball toward the basket, but they do not participate in the
generation of power.
Use mostly wrist
and hand:
Go to a court and check out how the release muscles work in a shot. Stand 12-15
feet from the basket and shoot with all or mostly wrist and hand muscles and
watch the ball flight. See how flat the shots are? If you're strong enough or
in close enough, you can shoot with some height this way, but most shots driven
by those muscles are flat. You'll also see that the shots that go in almost
always hit the back rim. The window for a swish shot from a flat angle is very
very small.
You'll find you can
get in a rhythm and make a few or a bunch of these shots in a row. But you can
very easily miss a bunch, too, especially when they count. When you add
movement, it gets even more difficult. Under pressure it's very easy to flip
the ball a little too hard or too short. You can also send the ball off-line
left or right very easily. And once you miss a couple, your self-doubt makes it
even harder.
Now use a
Pushing Action: From a reasonably short distance at first, make your Release action
into an upward PUSH with a passive wrist and hand. Do it with little or no leg
action at first, and then add leg power as you move further back. The hand
holds the ball with a little pressure in the finger pads to give you a solid
grip but then, as you push and straighten the arm, the hand and fingers relax
totally. Do this and observe what happens to the ball flight and spin.
You'll see that the
ball flies more vertically, that spin is consistent (medium fast, approx. --
the speed depends on how fast the arm is straightened), and ball flight becomes
more measured, consistent and predictable. You'll see you can do the same
stroke over and over. When you "connect" to the target mentally and
with your vision and you push your arm exactly in that line (but aimed high
above), the ball will fly true to the target much more consistently.
There is less power
with a push, but you make up for it by depending more on the bigger
lower/middle body muscles, which gives benefits far outweighing the one
disadvantage. Again try it and let your own experience be the judge.
Let the hand bounce: If you totally relax the
wrist and hand when you straighten the arm, the hand will hang directly forward
and actually bounce or flop in the follow through. This is one of the signs of
a great shooter. For the majority of shooters, wrists and hands are tight
because they're doing something with them. You'll see it in how the hand
finishes, maybe straight or angled strongly down, or a little left or right or
When the wrist and
hand are out of the picture (except to hold and cradle the ball and complete
the action by delivering the ball in the direction dictated by the arm), then
you have greater predictability. You have fewer muscles that can send the ball
off line. Bigger muscles are also less likely to "choke" than smaller
Higher shots create
a larger and more forgiving target than flat shots, and they also come in
softer. By going more upward, gravity has a chance to slow down the speed of
the ball. A larger target and a softer landing give shots a better chance of
going in.
To get height, all
you have to do is shoot earlier in your jumping motion. It's not about jumping
higher for most shots. The down-up flexing and extending of knees can create a
powerful surge of energy without even leaving the ground. The key is in "when"
you shoot. If you catch a high percentage of the surge of energy, there's a lot
of power. If you wait or hesitate, you lose the powerful upward force. For all
but the close-in, turnaround type jumpers where you need to elevate over
someone, go for an early, quick Release.
Vary height: Shoot shots of varying
height and observe how they approach the basket. Shoot high, shoot low, medium
high, super high. Notice how height affects the size of the target and the
speed of the approach of the ball. Shoot early in your jumping action and see
the results. Hesitate in your jump before you shoot and see how that feels and
how it affects the ball's flight and stability. Shoot at the top of the jump
and even on the way down and feel what that's like.
I think you'll
discover that a quicker release results in higher arch and a more effortless
motion. For the close-in shots where there's someone in your face, you can
elevate to shoot if you can but it's a trickier shot. If in doubt, pass off to
someone who's open.
Backspin helps the
ball by aerodynamically stabilizing its flight to the target. If you have
sidespin or a dead ball, it means you're "doing" something with your
wrist, hand and fingers that interferes with natural spin.
You don't have to
"create" spin with your hand or fingers. It will JUST HAPPEN if you
straighten your arm at a good rate and let the wrist and hand just relax. The
ball rolls off the fingers naturally. The speed of spin is determined by the
speed of the arm-straightening motion.
Create different
Observe your spin and how you create it. Is it backspin or something else? If
backspin, is it slow, medium or fast? See what it is you do that creates it. If
it's not backspin, relax the wrist and hand and just push the ball upward with
the arm and see if you get backspin. It's the extra effort of wrist and hand
that create unstable spin patterns.
Exaggerate: Once you see how to get
backspin, then experiment with more and less of it. Create sidespin on purpose
and see how that's done. See if you can create a dead ball. Note that it's
extra, unnecessary effort that creates the funny spins. Perfect medium backspin
is the easiest, the most natural.
When you release
the shot, you're not done. You can pull your arm back or move it to the side or
up or down, but it's more effective to hold the arm out there, to complete your
action with a determined, connected Follow Through. It's called
"Completion" or a great "Finish" to the shot. This extra
bit of attention to the end of the shot brings dividends in improved accuracy
and a little more power. Hold it an extra half second or more and the shot will
fly truer.
Experiment: Do different things in your
Follow Through and see how they affect the shot. Shoot and then pull the hand
back or move it left or right and see what happens to accuracy. Short-arm a
shot and see how unpredictable distance becomes. Do a weak or
"tentative" Release (slower than usual or just not solidly connected
to the target) and see what happens. Then hold the Finish solidly on line and
see what happens. I call this "Sticking the Release!" It means making
a strong, focused, connected action toward the target.
Confidence, Concentration and Trust are critical allies that will help you
perform at your best. If you "know" how to shoot and trust yourself
to do it, the mental states will be transparent. Confidence replaces doubt. You
don't have to "psych" yourself to improved shooting. You know you can
do it and you just do it. The problems start when you don't know what works,
you don't know why you just missed that last shot, or you don't know how to
self correct when you miss. I feel most players exist in this world.
It's normal to
doubt yourself if you don't know what you're doing and you consistently fail to
perform. The key is to find a method of shooting that works, that's simple and
natural, and which you know you can do. Then, as you practice that method and
get better and better control of it, the mental problems will disappear and
confidence will rise and rise. The beauty of it is this: the rising confidence
actually helps you do better what you already do well. It's an "upward
spiral" of success.
What's going on?
Observe what goes on in your head as you shoot. Are you confident in your skill
or is your head filled with doubts and uncertainties? Do you feel you're going
to make the next shot or miss it? When you miss, are you less certain of the
next shot? If you make it, does your confidence rise a little bit?
Put a number on
Take some shots and notice how "confident" you were that you were
going to make them. Pick a number on a scale of 0 to 10, where "0"
means zero confidence and "10" means total confidence. Shoot and
report to a friend or to yourself what the number was. Remember that these are
just numbers. A 10 is not "good" and a 0 or 1 "bad." They
just reflect truly what just happened. Then shoot again and see if the confidence
changes. You will probably see it rise as you focus on it. It may rise all the
way to top as you see it's just a number and you have some control over it.
Fake it: If your Confidence stalls somewhere, maybe at 4 or 5 or 6, then
play a game. Shoot with the intention of being "totally confident," a
10! You can just fake it. BE A 10! You'll find the raised confidence actually
helps you perform better. This forced way of being can't work very long, but it
will show you that confidence is just a mental state that can be independent of
performance. Ultimately performance has to develop and be there or the
confidence will deflate back to reality.
A measure of who
you are:
The point is that confidence can be a state of "being," a measure of
who you are, and not totally dependent on recent success. Great shooters know
their shots are going to drop, even if they miss a few. With practice you can
improve the level of your base confidence and this will help you do your best.
When you know what to practice and how best to shoot, then this quality of mind
will help you sustain it.
The above are what
I feel are the key things that make a difference in shooting. I trust you're
able to check them out with your own experience and adopt a stroke like this.
The truly great shooters are doing these things, exactly as or very close to
what I'm suggesting. These are principles that lead to control of the Flight
of the Ball, what shooting is all about!
The shot itself is
not broken down like this. It happens in a flow of energy and connectedness.
The leg action (UpForce) starts first, after a mental decision to shoot and a
connection to target. The setting of the ball, the Release and the Follow
Through happen quickly and seamlessly, driven by the powerful lower/middle body
muscles. Intention and a calm focus of the mind will serve to maximize your
ability to perform what your body knows to do. You know what works now and, by
practice, will learn how to do it well, even under great pressure.
Master these simple
things and your shots will become Accurate, Consistent and Repeatable ... all
the time.
Giganti is an Italian basketball magazine from Cremona,
Italy. Giorgio Gandolfi is the Editor
To order the SWISH
video from Tom Nordland, one of the top shooting instructors in the game today,
please visit his website at SWISH Video.